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6 signs that say you’re ready


Do you ever wonder if you're ready (confident) enough to start your personal chef business?


Here are six signs that say YOU'RE READY to turn your love for cooking into a professional business.


#1 Your friends and family always say you should open a restaurant.

You probably hear this every time you cook something and serve it to your friends and family, "your cooking is so good, you should open a restaurant!" 

But in reality, opening a restaurant is not what you think (cooking), it's more about human resources, paperwork, marketing innovations, and working 10-12 hour days including Every Single Weekend. As well, it takes thousands of $$ to open up that restaurant in a location that would bring in the traffic it needs. 

As a personal chef, you choose what hours and days of the week you'd like to work, then design a business around that. 


#2 You look forward to making dinner every night.

The thought of preparing dinner excites you! You have the opportunity to try out new recipes, cooking and plating techniques. It never seems to get old!

Yep, you're ready to take your cooking to the professional level and show your community what you can do for them.


#3 Your hobby is perusing cookbooks and recipe websites.

Everyone else is lying around with their favorite fiction novel while you're thumbing through the latest best selling cookbook trying to figure out which recipe to start with.

You may find yourself watching hours of YouTube cooking techniques, learning about the history of food through Netflix specials, and downloading any podcast about cooking you can find.

Cooking is your passion! You're ready to monetize your passion!


#4 One of your motivations for vacation is checking out new restaurants.

The action of cooking isn't the only way of expressing your love for food. You also look forward to vacations so you can try out new cuisines and restaurant dishes. You find yourself analyzing the flavors, plating style, even the service techniques.

You're so ready to practice all your cooking knowledge on the entire community!


#5 You plan out your menus in advance each week.

Your week is busy and your stack of new recipes to try is huge, so you find yourself planning out the upcoming week's menu in advance.

Planning out the family menu is the highlight of your week :)


#6 You enjoy potlucks so you can try out new dishes.

When receiving an invitation to a party, you're not thinking about what you're going to wear or who is going to be there. You're thinking about how you're going to wow the host and guests with the new dish you've been excited about trying out!


All these signs point to the fact that you have great passion for the food and service industry. You're a prime candidate for starting and building a personal chef business. I look forward to helping you any way I can to see your successes come true!


Best Wishes, Virginia Stockwell

Check out all the ways you can accelerate your personal chef business here >>


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