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Do you possess the qualities of an entrepreneur?



Have you ever sat back and thought about whether or not you personally possess the qualities needed to be an entrepreneur?


The very nature of being an entrepreneur is that we have to be willing to try things without knowing whether or not it’s going to work. Does that fit your personality? Are you hesitant to take any action at all because you’re afraid you’re going to make a mistake? 


I can share with you that being afraid of making a mistake is the biggest mistake you could make.


Indecision is still a decision. It’s a decision to do nothing. And nothing is what guarantees failure. You have to be willing to have the courage to try new things. You have to be willing to have the courage to be curious.


If you try it out and it doesn’t work, it doesn’t mean you suck as a human. It doesn’t mean that you’re a failure. It means that you’re really good at testing out new things. If you want to be more than just an average person, you will continually try out new things most likely outside your comfort zone.


Of course it's a risk living life as an entrepreneur, but think about the benefits. Think about the alternatives to NOT taking the risk.


As a risk taker, you get to choose what services you offer. You get to choose your own hours. You even get to choose how much you get paid and who you work with. The caveat, however, is that you have to be willing to give it a try and possibly make mistakes on the way. In pursuit of getting it right, you have to be willing to get it wrong.


It may be that limiting beliefs about yourself are holding you back from taking risks in your life.


Limiting beliefs are sometimes not on the surface. They could be subconscious and you may not even realize that these thoughts are keeping you held back from your dreams.


Examples of subconscious thoughts include:

  • I’m not good enough.
  • I don’t know enough.
  • Somebody else does it better.
  • Somebody else said it before.
  • Somebody else is more educated.
  • Somebody else is richer.
  • Somebody else is better looking.
  • Somebody else is wittier.


These are the thoughts that keep you held back, trying to convince you that you’re not enough. These are subconscious limiting beliefs.


The only way to escape these limiting beliefs it to recognize what you're doing...then focus on changing your story. First, become highly aware of your limiting beliefs. Next, take ownership. Finally, rewrite the thoughts to better serve you. 


Best Wishes & Much Success to You, Virginia Stockwell


When you're ready to be a risk taker and begin your business, I'm here to help. Here are all the ways I can help >>


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